
Biosphere Management

The UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch team will be happy to assist you.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Anna Baumann, Director

Sandro Bucher, Tourism

Direct telephone: +41 (0)41 485 42 54, s.bucherbiosphaere.ch

Responsibilities: Project Manager Tourism

Sabrina Dönni, Secretariat

Fabienne Fischer, Group Travel

Joshua Herzog - Marketing

Direct telephone: +41 (0)41 485 42 55, j.herzogbiosphaere.ch

Officer of the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch &  Entlebuch marketing pool (network comprising Bergbahnen Sörenberg, Sörenberg Flühli Tourism, Sportbahnen Marbachegg, Escholzmatt-Marbach Tourism and the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch).

Franziska Hofer, Marketing

Direct telephone: +41 (0)41 485 42 56, f.hoferbiosphaere.ch

Officer of the Entlebuch marketing pool (network comprising Bergbahnen Sörenberg, Sörenberg Flühli Tourism, Sportbahnen Marbachegg, Escholzmatt-Marbach Tourism and the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch).

Christian Ineichen, Regional Management/Deputy Director

Direct telephone: +41 (0)41 485 42 64, c.ineichenbiosphaere.ch

Responsibilities: Regional development, spatial planning, energy

Florian Knaus, Scientific Officer

Direct telephone: +41 (0)41 485 42 57, f.knausbiosphaere.ch

Responsibilities: Safeguarding and developing nature/landscapes, overseeing and monitoring research projects

Tanja Koch, Nature and Landscape

Nina Liechti, Education

Nicoel Meyer, Assistant to the Management Board

Fabienne Röösli, Communication

Dr. Annette Schmid Hofer, Park Management/Label Requirements

Direct telephone: +41 (0)41 485 42 59, a.schmidbiosphaere.ch

Responsibilities: Label requirements for the nature park and biosphere reserve (strategy, reporting, networks), quality

Peter Stadelmann, Regional Products


Location and contact

UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch
Chlosterbüel 28
6170 Schüpfheim
+41 (0)41 485 42 50