
What is a biosphere?

We explain in two minutes

UNESCO’s «Man and the Biosphere» Programme

UNESCO – the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – applies various requirements to biosphere reserves:

  • Biosphere reserves should contribute to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.
  • With regard to biospheres, the key documents are the Seville Strategy and the international guidelines for the World Network.

Every 10 years, a new roadmap complete with strategy and relevant action plan (currently the Lima Action Plan) is drawn up on the basis of the documents above.

More information on the MAB programme

A blessing for all

Such is the story behind the emergence of the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch, which promised to be a blessing for all.


Vision, mission, guiding principles and goals

The UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch is an international model region for sustainable development, networking and innovation.


A Regional Nature Park

In 2008, the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch became Switzerland’s first Regional Nature Park of national importance.



The core zone, buffer zone and development zone of the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch.



The seven communities of Romoos, Doppleschwand, Entlebuch, Hasle, Schüpfheim, Marbach-Escholzmatt and Flühli all belong to the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch.
